Virtual Internship Opportunity: Marketing

MultiNationals Incorporated
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Angela Scarlett
Principal Lawyer
Academic experience
120 hours per learner
Intermediate level

Project scope

Branding & style guides Market research Lead generation Sales strategy Social media marketing
target market value propositions communication market segmentation social media search engine optimization auditing

The primary focus for the student will be:

  • Conduct a full competitive landscape assessment; define our organization's brand and core value proposition; identify opportunities and threats facing our brand; assess where and how to improve our brand's presence and differentiate from our competitors.
  • Investigate our competitive landscape; perform market segmentation to identify the ideal target market.
  • Develop and implement an SEO strategy; provide content suggestions and recommendations to increase search visibility.
  • Conduct an audit of our current social media presence and/or other current communication channel(s).


Our goal at the end of this experience is for the students to:

  • Help us improve our brand's presence and capture greater market share.
  • Guide us to a better understanding of our target market and ensure we are optimally positioned with regards to our target sector/customer.
  • Generate more traffic and revenue through search engines.
  • Improve our online presence, reach more customers, and effectively promote our brand through compelling content.

Students will work closely with the Principal Lawyer who is supervising and available for questions. This will also include occasional progress meetings where adjustments to the students' tasks and duties can be made if necessary.

We will plan to communicate with our virtual intern(s) using these communication tools:

  • Email
  • Zoom meetings

Primary contact: Angela Scarlett, Principal Lawyer

About the company

Toronto, Ontario, Canada
2 - 10 employees
Business services, Legal, Business & management

MultiNationals is a firm that caters to international entrepreneurs, start-ups and companies destined to enter the following markets: Portugal, Mexico, the USA and Canada. We provide corporate law services, immigration expertise and product development acumen so that our clients are positioned for prosperity. Our focus is Market Entry & Immigration.